What We Do
FibroScan® Liver Assessment
A FibroScan® test is a quick (15-30- minute), painless, non-invasive examination of liver health, and provides a painless and reliable alternative to liver biopsy. The test measures liver health by measuring liver fibrosis or scar tissue in the liver, and additionally measures the amount of fat in the liver using the new Controlled Attenuation Parameter (CAP) assessment. Liver Wellness is the first clinic in the private sector to offer the test to patients with the Fibroscan® 530 device.

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NAFLD Services
  • FibroScan®

    to assess extent of liver scarring (fibrosis)

  • Assessment

    of fatty liver disease stage and differentiation between simple steatosis and NASH

  • Advice

    …for the management of NAFLD

  • Assessment

    …for cardiac disease due to fatty liver

  • Access

    …to drug and lifestyle trials for new NASH treatments

Hepatitis B and C Services
  • Screening

    for HBV and HCV infections

  • FibroScan®

    screening for liver disease

  • Preparation

    …for drug treatment for liver disease

  • Monitoring

    …during and post drug treatment

  • As Professor of Hepatology and Gastroenterology at Trinity College Dublin, Prof Norris has initiated, participated in, and provided leadership to several research programmes in hepatology and aligned speciality interests. Prof Norris has been national principle investigator for several international clinical trials in hepatitis C. Prof Norris is currently running a research programme, funded by the Health Research Board Ireland, based at the Clinical Research Facility, St James’s Hospital which is investigated the impact of the hepatitis C virus on neurocognitive function. Prof Norris is additionally leading a research programme in NAFLD, which is exploring inflammatory signals in patients with fatty liver.

    Read more about Prof. Norris’s research projects…